
Linked Data Project

What is LiDa?

LiDa is BnL’s first open linked-data project. This project, in collaboration with the National Literature Centre (Centre national de littérature, CNL), linked authors and documents from the collective catalogue of the network to those from the Dictionary of Luxembourgish Litterary Authors (Autorenlexikon), a bilingual encyclopedia of authors having been active on the literary scene of Luxembourg since 1815.

How does LiDa work?

After a search on our platform, users have the possibility to explore the detailed bibliographic records. In each record, the author entry is linked directly to the CNL’s Autorenlexikon. This allows you to discover additional information on that specific author, such as biography, bibliographic and archival information, photos, literary prices and more. The linking works also in the opposite direction, for the end users starting their research in Autorenlexikon. On the main page of the author or on the individual document pages there are links to, giving the users the possibility to find and borrow the desired items from one of the libraries of the network.

Visit a-z.luVisit Autorenlexikon

Simple navigation

These links allow to easily navigate from a bibliographic record on the platform to the exact entry of a particular author on CNL’s Autorenlexikon platform. Similarly, the link in Autorenlexikon to the allows any user to easily locate a title and find a library in the network where they can borrow the item.

Get all LiDa links

All links displayed on the platform are available for download at the following URL:

The LiDa update process

The LiDa database contains both the links between authors and those between documents. The database is automatically updated on a regular basis, using exports from the collective catalogue and Autorenlexikon systems as input.

Different versions of the algorithm

1. The first version of the matching algorithm was implemented in 2013, after various improvements of the above-described steps.

2. At the end of 2014 – beginning of 2015, after much work done by the BnL and CNL teams on the authority records of the the collective catalogue, more than 15.500 matches were added to the LiDa database, taking advantage of the existing links between bibliographic and authority records and previously created links between authors in the collective catalogue and in Autorenlexikon.

3. Towards the end of 2018 – beginning of 2019, after the introduction of VIAF (The Virtual International Authority File) and ISNI identifiers into both the collective catalogue and Autorenlexikon, a complete rewrite of the algorithm will take place, using unique identifiers for the author matching.

Learn more about VIAFLearn more about ISNI